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De Vaca, Cabeza, "Adventures in the Unknown Interior of America", Trans and Ed. by Cyclone Covey, University of New Mexico Press, Albiquerque.

Campbell, T. N. "The Coahuiltecan Indians", in "The New Handbook of Texas", Vol 2, The Texas State Historical Association, Austin, 1996

Campbell, T. N. "Coahuiltecans and Their Neighbors", in "Handbook of North American Indians: Southwest" vol 10. Alfonso Ortiz, vol Ed. Smithsonian Inst. Washington, 1983

Campbell, T. N. "The Payaya Indians of Southern Texas", STAA, 1975

Chapa, Juan Bautista. "Texas & Northeastern Mexico, 1630-1690", Translation of "Historia del nuevo de Leon 1650 a 1690", UT Press, Austin Translated by Ned F. Brierley, Ed Foster, William, 1997

Foster, William. "Spanish Expeditions into Texas, 1689 - 1768", UT Press, 1995

Thomas Hester, "Coahuiltecan": A Critical review of an Inappropriate Ethnic Label" vol 25 No.4 of La Tierra, Oct 1998

V. Kay Hindes, "Native American and European Contact in the Lower Medina River Valley", in La Tierra, vol 22, No. 2 April 1995.

Newcomb, W. W. "The Indians of Texas", UT Press, Austin.

Swanton, John R. "The Indian Tribes of North America", Smithsonian Inst. Press., Washington and London, 1969 reprint of 1952 as in "Bureau of American Ethnology" Bulletin Num 145.